Smooth and Confident : Unveiling the secrets of larser hair reduction in Bikini area in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai | Yuvani

Smooth and Confident : Unveiling the secrets of laser hair reduction in Bikini area


Bikini season is here and last thing you should worry about is hair and unsightly skin irritation. A lady in her 20 s who was about to get married walks in at YUVANI Aesthetic clinic to consult Dr. Gunjan Gangaraju with the complaints of sensitive bikini area , burning , redness , itching and rashes all over the bikini area each time she shaves, she also gave history of allergy with depilatory creams, for all these problems she wanted a permanent solution

On examination Dr Gunjan found that she had folliculitis, razor burns and ingrowth hair and hyperpigmentation due recurrent inflammation and for the same she gave a advice of Laser Hair Reduction

We started off with the treatment after necessary routine checkup and pre preparation of Laser Hair Reduction. Post LHR she started to notice gradual relief in her symptoms .

At the end of 6 th session – 85% of the hair was reduced and she got relief from all her symptoms

Unwanted hair can often be a hassle, requiring frequent shaving ,waxing or plucking . This groundbreaking procedure offers a long-lasting and effective way to remove unwanted hair. Excessive hair growth in the other body areas and  face in females can be due conditions PCOS, PCOD ,PCOM ( hormonal disturbances).

To keep bikini area hygienic and hair free one can consider LHR in Navi Mumbai at Yuvani Aesthetic Clinic ,Kharghar

Get smoother summer ready bikini area with with LHR treatment

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