Is a procedure performed under anesthesia on the labia for correction or resizing one or both the labial lips.
Procedure can be reversed
Before undergoing the procedure plse clear your doubts by discussing with the operating doctor on the end result of labiaplasty which you want,and what can really be achieved .after performing labiaplasty you cannot reverse or get back same shape of labia which you had before the procedure.
It is preformed for only cosmetic reason
It is also performed for cosmetic /aesthetic appearance but there are various non cosmetic reasons for performing labiaplasty .like
Visible under tight fitted bottoms as in some sports or fashion industry job
Difficulty to maintain personal hygiene
Interfere during sexual act
Chaffing/rubbing while walking
Above mentioned indications are those women who actually benefit from labaiaplasty procedure
It can be performed by any doctor
A specialist Gynaecologist trained in performing such surgeries and Plastic surgeon are to be approached when there is a need for labia correction.
There is no age restriction for this procedure
It can be performed in young girls only after the age of 18yr and upto menopause.
After labiaplasty will I get to start my sports immediately
There is a healing phase of 3-4weeks after labiaplasty and till then all physical activities are to be withheld.
Post procedure there is no need for follow up
Follow up immediately after 7 days of surgery is necessary or erlier if there is severe pain,bleeding ,pus,fever .next visit is after 3 weeks
After labiaplasty sexual pleasure increases
Labiaplasty procedure is performed to correct or resize the shape of labia and is not performed for sexual pleasure.
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